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We design for humans, we optimise for search engines. 

search engine optimisation

Our search engine optimisation (SEO) services deliver increased visibility and organic traffic to the websites that we create.

SEO requires good planning, good design, good content and good code.    When we design and build websites we don't just think about the people using the website, we also keep in mind the search engines and build in SEO strategies so the website achieves your goals. It's not guesswork, we use data to determine our strategy, then analysis to show that it's working.

Organic search ranking techniques

With a mix of technical expertise, SEO knowledge and understanding of your audience and general website users we implement an effective search strategy so that you get a return on your investment.

We design websites that are fast to load, that are easy to get around and that visitors enjoy using, mentioning on social media and linking to. We aim to make your website the best there is for a customer searching for what you offer.

Ongoing analysis and improvement

Once your website is up and running we'll keep an eye on it to make sure it's doing the job. All SEO activity is monitored to ensure it's delivering value to you and doing what we planned.

So while you're busy adding new text and images to the website, we can make sure it's still in shape and we'll iron out any technical SEO wrinkles.

Pondkeeper Featured Image
Featured Project

We wanted to increase organic traffic and conversions on their already popular and successful e-commerce store by identifying sections that could be improved and then overhauling the design of their website.

View Project

Frequently Asked Questions

Not found what you're looking for?

Yes it does.  We can show you lots of examples of clients who have top positions in google.  We're ranked in the top 5 Digital Marketing & SEO companies in Newcastle upon Tyne on Pandia.

We'd love to - we're as keen as you are to make the website a success. Once the website is up and running we can talk about any ongoing support and maintenance help that you need, to build up your search engine visibility, to improve your conversions or to keep on top of any additions you need.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the practice of improving visibility in search engine results to increase the quality and quantity of visitors to a website.

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and is a security protocol to to make a website secure.  When you look at a website which has SSL you will notice that the web address begins https:// rather than http://. Your interaction with the website is encrypted and information you enter can’t be stolen by hackers.

Google prefers websites which use https://, secure websites appear higher up the rankings than non secure websites. Website users will have more confidence if your website is secure. If you don't have SSL, visitors to your website will see a 'not secure' warning in their browser. 

"From the start, we could tell they understood responsive design and the thinking behind it. The Edward Robertson team worked with us cheerfully the entire time. Trying to get us what we wanted yet also pushing for things they felt were important. It was a strong give and take and a great collaboration. When a company is willing to stand their ground, it allows you to trust when they agree. When you are working in unfamiliar territory it is important to feel your guide is watching out for you not just telling you what you want to hear. Our entire presence in the industry is based on our website. Their patience, professionalism and willingness to work with us allowed us to create the best website in the world for what we do! They did a fantastic job. Thank You Edward Robertson!"
Chris Buffalo - Owner, Buffalo Lumber

We plan, design, develop and support trusted tech solutions for people like you.