Seventeen (and still learning)
Wednesday, 6th November 2013

On the first of November this year we celebrated our seventeenth birthday. Simon and myself started Edward Robertson in 1996. That sounds a very long time ago now.
I'll always associate age seventeen with learning to drive, giving me a little independence, freedom and opening my eyes to the possibilities around me. Although we've been building web sites for seventeen years now, we're still learning too.
In the last few years we moved to developing all web sites in HTML5 and CSS3 and we now create responsive web sites, that adapt to fit into the screen being used to look at them. It has meant a bit of a learning curve for us all, but who wants to stand still?
Since social signals began to play a bigger part in a web site's google ranking, we now offer social media marketing to our clients, helping them to get the most out of facebook, twitter and the like.
We've sharpened up our search engine optimisation skills, to make sure that the web sites that we build squeeze out the best return possible.
And we're continually improving our internal processes too, so that we can be more efficient and give our clients a better service.
Web design and the Internet has changed more than we could ever have imagined in 1996, but as long as we keep learning and improving, we can make sure that our clients get the best results possible.
PS I crashed and wrote off our family Volvo when I was seventeen and a half. I learned more that day than in three months of driving lessons, but I'll save that for another blog post!