Responsive web sites are better for SEO
Friday, 12th July 2013
You might have missed this, but it's pretty big news if you create web sites that you want to be found by search engines.
On June 11th Google issued a blog post called "Changes in rankings of smartphone search results" that described mistakes that can be made when developing mobile-friendly web sites and how these mistakes will be penalized in a forthcoming Google update.
Google engineer Matt Cutts also highlighted the Google recommendations for mobile web sites, the number one recommendation being:
'Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using responsive web design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device.'
It's another reminder that if you haven't got a responsive web site and you want to make sure that your web site ranks well on mobile devices then please contact us and we can help.
You can read that Google blog post in full here: